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    Jesses Nest
    Just to make it official

    I am moving my blog to

    please visit me there....


    Views: 1068 | Added by: Jessy | Date: 2009-08-31 | Comments (1)

    Today is Saturday the 29th of August and I did my regular jaunt down to Chadstone shopping centre.

    Step 1 - Waking up
    This was easier said than done.  With the wind howling outside and me in a nice cozy warm bed, it took me almost an hour just to pull myself out of bed -  had to be convinced by my tummy coz I need to pee, lol

    Step 2 - Coffee
    Yup.  I am a coffeeholic.  I confess.  And no, I dont need help.  I love my coffee

    Step 3 - Shower
    Yeah you all reading closely now, arnt ya!?  Lol.  Nice and long hot shower, soap everywhere, washed my hair too and blow dried it for an hour after that.

    Step 4 - Breakfast
    Quick wheetbix and another cup of coffee before heading out to the bus stop, in the damn rain.

    I got soaked... hold on I missed a step....

    Step 3.5 - What to wear....

    Hmm.  what to wear, what to wear what to wear.   A girls bigest dillema.

    Deciding factors - W ... Read more »
    Views: 1058 | Added by: Jessy | Date: 2009-08-29 | Comments (3)

    Ok here is some juicey dirt on me you can dig up when I am rich and famous....

    I masturbate.  There I said it.  Im embarassed, and shy and all that, but its true.  I do.  And I like my fingers the best...

    Why fingers?  Fingers are fun.  Gentle caresses across your warm breasts, little pinches on soft nipples making them harden and go a darker shade of pink.  Hmmmm.  all this is good, and the more I explore my own body the more I can tell my girl what I want her to do.  When I get a girl that is....  :(

    How often is too often?

    Well, it so happens that I haven't masturbated or fingered myself in almost a month.  So I am doing well.  Work and studying is very distracting, but recently, as of today, the urge is getting stronger and stronger.  So I am sitting here on my bed, naked, gently caressing my body and exciting my tender flesh, letting my fingers take a dip every now and then into the warm f ... Read more »
    Views: 2720 | Added by: Jessy | Date: 2009-08-27 | Comments (4)

    Interesting day at the hotel restaurant...  Things started out really well.

    I got up early, around 5 30 am had a nice shower and my morning cuppa coffee...  And then it went sour...

    I broke the key to my security gate, in the lock -  So I damnwell coudlnt open it and had to go out the bulcony door and climb over the railings..  Oh well going to have to fix that.

    Then I caught my skirt on a damn bramble bush and tore it, so had to rush back home to get another skirt.

    The result was that I missed my bus into town and had to wait 20 mins for another one.  Ended up getting to work late...  Boss not happy !

    The reward at lunch was good  - a really gorgeous exec girl came into the restaurant (in town on business, staying at the hotel) and damn ..  wow is a word that sums her up.

    Hmmm.  Going to make a move tomorrow I think.   Maybe I will.  Maybe I will chicken out.  who knows.  He ... Read more »
    Views: 898 | Added by: Jessy | Date: 2009-08-26 | Comments (2)

    With over 1 thousand followers on Twitter I thought about tempting some of them to visit my blog with a simple math quiz.

    Sadness is I won my own quiz!

    Now I feel really blonde, dum and sad.
    Views: 959 | Added by: Jessy | Date: 2009-08-24 | Comments (0)

    I decided to advertise a quiz on Twitter with the 'reward' of getting access to my private pics  - some kinky stuff in there *blush*

    My first 'Quiz'  will be a Math Problem:

    I used to hate math growing up until one day, someone showed me the 'basics' and when I grasped that I could do anything!

    I will give you 6 numbers, and using add, subtract, divide, multiply - and only using each number once, you need to reach the Total or get close to it.


    3, 8, 7,10, 25, 100



    Now in a comment, show your calculations:  First one to get it correct or get the closest wins...

    PS You have to be following @ladyplague on Twitter for this.
    Views: 1836 | Added by: Jessy | Date: 2009-08-23 | Comments (2)

    I actually am still shocked by the amount of sex talk there is on Twitter these days.  I think every second follow I make, is someone who talks about sex or send urls to porn sites.

    Oh well, there are a few that talk about celeb gosip and the like so I guess its all good.

    Views: 1402 | Added by: Jessy | Date: 2009-08-18 | Comments (0)

    I occasionally go back to my roots  -  MIRC (Internet Relay Chhat).

    This is still a great app and great way to meet new friends... see the transcript below of events that unfolded....


    * +saphireangel lounges
    * ladyplague lounges next to saphireangel
    * +saphireangel smiles
    * ladyplague smiles back, blushing slightly.....
    * +saphireangel leans in and kisses ladyplague softly
    <+saphireangel> cute blush
    <ladyplague> :)
    <ladyplague> gulpe
    * ladyplague pulls aways softgly... cheeks red
    * ladyplague bites her lower lip and then moves back, kissing saphire deeply
    * +saphireangel returns the kiss, tounge swirling lightly around yours
    * ladyplague lets out a soft gasp, her hands moving up saphireangels body to gently massage her breast
    * +saphireangel moans softly, arching her back
    * ladyplague kisses gently, moving down your neck nibbling
    * +saphireangel tilts her head for you. exposing her neck as ... Read more »
    Views: 947 | Added by: Jessy | Date: 2009-08-16 | Comments (0)

    Dont you just love bathing in a warm bubble filled bath that you can just lounge in... I almost fell asleep it was so peaceful and calm....
    Attachments: Image 1
    Views: 3206 | Added by: Jessy | Date: 2009-08-16 | Comments (8)

    Well I went out into the storm and the inevitable happened.  I got soaked - drenched right through to my undies. 

    going to take a nice long hot bath with bubbles to warm up and then will be back a bit.....

    Views: 4525 | Added by: Jessy | Date: 2009-08-16 | Comments (2)

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